jewelry care

For the care of jewelry, a few simple tips should be followed:
  • Do not do sports or dangerous activities with the jewelry.
  • Avoid contact of the jewel with cosmetic or cosmetic products that can damage its color (perfumes, alcohol, hand soap, laundry detergent, etc.).
  • In the case of gold-plated jewelry, it is recommended not to wet them too much so that the color of the gold does not fade.
  • To clean jewelry, warm water and neutral PH soap should be used. You can use a soft toothbrush and then dry them with a chamois or cloth. Another method (but this only in the case of Silver jewelry not gold plated) take a damp cloth, sprinkle baking soda on it, and let the jewelry rest for a while, then rinse it with water. IMPORTANT: gold-plated pieces require greater care. Rubbing hard can lead to bath leak, so it's important to do it gently to prevent bath wear.
  • It is necessary to frequently check that the closures are in good condition, and not force them.
  • Jewelry should not be exposed to sudden changes in temperature.
  • It is preferable to store the jewels individually in their original cases for proper conservation.
  • If you use a jewelry box to store your Clum jewelry, make sure that the pieces are in separate compartments.
  • Avoid that the chains are closed and flat so that knots do not form.

* Gold plating is not guaranteed to last forever. The speed with which the gold bath leaves depends on many factors such as the use of chemical products on the skin, the level of body sweating or even the same PH level of each person's skin. For these reasons it is advisable to know that gold-plated jewelry requires more care or, if your experience tells you that it does not last, choose Silver jewelry.